Iranian Dates

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Iranian Dates

Iranian dates are considered among the best dates fruit around the globe. This fruit contains lots of vitamins and minerals.

Notable amount of vitamin E, C, B and A; minerals and vital substances like phosphorous, sulfur, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, copper and magnesium. Some food specialist emphasis to have at least one date per day to have a balanced and healthy diet.

The high amount of vitamins and these minerals has made dates on the best fruits for muscle development and have a healthy weight gain. So it is recommended for body builders also.

According modern medicine knowledge, we know that dates can prevent abnormal cancer.

For Muslims

People who follow Islam and observe fasting, break their fast by eating them along with water. This also helps avoid overeating of food once the fast is over. When the body begins to absorb the high nutritional value of the dates, feelings of hunger are pacified.

Heart Health and Nervous System

High amount of potassium can help your nervous system and to regulate your heart beat. This fruit (Iranian dates) is awesome for your heart as potassium and magnesium has an essential rule in heart rhythm and muscle strength which heart is the most important one. Magnesium deficiency will cause irregular heart rhythm and other symptoms like difficulty swallowing which you can cure it by daily usage of Iranian dates. Low amount of magnesium in other hand will cause weakness, muscle spasm and so on. Iranian fig also contains lots of magnesium and potassium.

Anemia Cure

High level of iron inside Iranian dates will help you make enough blood cells and is a cure for anemia and thus decreasing the feeling of fatigue and sluggishness and for sportsmen longer physical activity without frustration.

Fight allergy

Presence of sulfur in dates, has made them a good fruit to treat allergy. Sulfur is not what you will find in every fruit but it exists is dates. According to a medical study in 2002 organic sulfur can have a positive effect on the people who suffers from seasonal allergy.

Restore Energy

Dates are high in natural sugar. That makes them perfect for a quick snack and get rid of feeling of sluggishness. Often when you exercise in a gym and feeling tired and need more energy, having several dates can help you regain your energy immediately.

For Your Bones

Calcium inside dates will help your bones be denser and stronger and will fight off painful and debilitating diseases like osteoporosis. Iranian dates contain selenium, manganese, copper, and magnesium, all of which are integral to healthy bone development and strength, particularly as people age, their bones gradually weaken. So eat dates and give a boost to your bones.


Intestinal Disorder

Dates also contain nicotine will help curing variety of intestinal disorder. Eating dates will help your intestine to grow more friendly bacteria thus helping your digest the food easier. In case of digestion problem, dates because of having high level of fiber inside, as well as a lot of amino acids, helps and stimulate your digesting system so more nutrition will be absorbed by your body.

Dates cure for intestinal disorders

Strengthen teeth

Phosphorus is a vital part of the growth process, as well as the maintenance of bones and teeth. It works in association with calcium to create strong bones, which can withstand the normal wear and tear of human life. It also helps in boosting the health of your gums and tooth enamel.

Here is another article about dates that you might like : Types of Dates

Looking to find another beneficial fruit? read about Iranian Fig.

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